Quotes by Ann Wolff is partly an autobiography of Ann Wolff`s professional life, her early doings until present time. She is an artist looking back on her life, wondering – reflecting on her motivation to continue, full of curiosity.

”hoc est corpus meum”
”hokos pokus filijokus …

New quotes, check out the news at

”hoc est corpus meum”

POKUS, nickelsilver, each appr. 20 cm

POKUS, nickelsilver, each appr. 20 cm

New book about Ann's work.
Ann Wolff, Observations and Reflections (DCV)

“Art is coming from my inside. I am working as its servant.—I let it out not thinking too much—using my hands and gesture—choosing a material to put it on place. I do not use the art. It is using me.“

dcv-books.com ISBN 978-3-96912-102-3
#madreema #kunstforum
#wunderblock #imaginemuseum
#awfg #annwolff

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